[EN] Igualdade de gênero

Mulheres PRRONTO!

Connected to ODS 5

Women professionals represent less than 10% of the workforce in the civil construction area. To contribute to changing this reality and promoting gender equity in the sector, the Toyota do Brasil Foundation sponsors the new group of Mulheres Prronto!, a Low Voltage Building Electricity course. Aimed at women in a state of social vulnerability who live in the Barreiro region, in Belo Horizonte (MG).

In addition to the new profession, the program seeks to develop skills such as entrepreneurship, teamwork and financial planning. During the course, the students will also receive information about the network to combat violence against women.

The course started on March 3, 2022, will last for three months and will have 160 hours of practical and theoretical classes. The 20 selected students will receive a kit so that they can apply the teachings in practice. At the end of the course, the students will be able to work in building electrical maintenance and, thus, generate more income and quality of life for themselves and/or their families.


The course approach is based on “learning to do”, that is, on Active Methodologies, in which effective learning takes place only when the student is responsible for her experience; she is the protagonist, participating dynamically, interacting with colleagues and teachers.

Positive Impacts
Women’s Empowerment: generation of work and income, as well as preparation for financial and entrepreneurship planning.
Skills development: enables women to better understand themselves, helping to raise their self-esteem and confidence, as well as helping them to establish strategies to achieve other life projects;

Toyota Foundation Notice

The Ready Women! is one of the projects selected in the Toyota Foundation Public Notice, launched in 2021, to support the development of actions with diversity groups and minority groups, promoting awareness and discussion of public, educational policies and good practices.

In addition to being connected to SDG 5, Achieving Gender Equality and Empowering Women. the initiative also dialogues with four other SDGs:
01 — Income generation that may or may not be complementary.
04 — Inclusive and equitable education promotion of learning opportunities and professional qualification;
08 — Decent work and sustainable economic growth;
10 — Reduction of inequalities.